
Smart Gun (VRCHAT)

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Smart Gun (VRCHAT)

94 ratings

Please rate this item if you buy it, this will vastly help me out by getting seen more, and will help fund more cool items like this one!

Try out the asset for free on my public avatar found in my world here

Avatar World

Small disclaimer: This asset uses some particle methods made in 2019 unity, which work oddly in 2022. The asset will function perfectly fine installing in 2022 and 2019, and ingame. BUT it may crash unity if you attempt to use it in play mode of unity 2022 and fire it. Unity 2022 may also crash if particles "simulate layers" is set to on (it is defaulted off).

- The full actual smart gun prefab as showcased on this page.
- An exact duplicate of the smart gun prefab that you can also install. Mostly for the purpose of dual wielding if you really want to.
- A Stripped down version (no ammo system) of the prefab specifically made for model swapping (guide included on how to do that).

The Smart Gun prefab, inspired by Cyberpunk 2077, with a Kriss Vector inspired model (modelled by Frosti).
Has two distinct firing modes.

  • Smart bullets that can lock on to the environment as well as players (who have interactions enabled). Bullets will curve in a satisfying manner to try and hit the target you've selected. With an immersive Cyberpunky UI.
  • Regular bullets that fire way faster than the smart bullets, but in a straight regular pattern. With a satisfying slight recoil animation and bullet spread bloom.

Both Firing modes have a dynamic scope that swaps between what you use at the time. A smart scope that displays important information, and a regular red dot sight using the Suresight Shader For a really cool holographic depth effect.

Each firing mode has a distinct laser sight that adapts to what is needed at the time. The smart laser sight will show the expected curve of the bullets.

Additionally, you can toggle on a suppressor that will change the firing sound, as well as reduce the muzzleflash effect.

The Smart gun has really interactive reloading mechanics

  • Grab a mag from your hip
  • Pull mag out of the gun OR bump it out with an existing mag in your hand
  • Rack the charging handle to load or eject bullets
  • Optional infinite ammo toggle

Here's a small showcase of the normal firing mode.

Product Details:

  • You get the full working Smart Gun made to fit any VRChat avatar.
  • Easy to understand install guide made for for ease of installation with minimal unity knowledge.
  • Additional VRCfury install option, as well as manual install option, both covered in the guide.
  • Swap between Smart bullets and normal bullets.
  • Smart bullets use a contact tracker to be able to follow other players, so you can always hit your mark.
  • Smart bullets can also lock on to the world.
  • Full ammo system with indepth reloading mechanics.
  • Custom scope shaders.
  • Laser sights, changes depending on current firing mode.
  • Full auto and single fire toggle.
  • Suppressor that changes sounds and muzzleflash intensity.
  • Sound toggle.
  • Infinite ammo toggle.
  • Swap between either hand, as well as two hand it.
  • Drop in world.
  • Full desktop controls, also double as easy access buttons for any feature of the gun, the gun can be entirely used on desktop (maybe outside of actually aiming it)
  • Ingame how-to-use menu that explains how to use the asset.
  • 3 different versions of the prefab is included, for dual wielding and one for model swapping.
  • Costs 28 parameter space for the normal Smart Gun asset. 19 for the Smart Gun designed for model swapping (because no ammo system)
  • Uses 46 materials. Most used for particle effects. Textures lowered to a reasonable size to not bloat texture memory.
  • About 20k polygons used on the Smart Gun model.
  • Substance Painter file included.
  • This asset is compatible with both Write defaults on AND off.

The smart scope can be toggled to have the smart UI only visible when looking through its window. This can help with the cool immersive aspect of the UI, and can also remove visual obstructions for other people.


VRChat Creator Companion (VCC)

You must use one of the newer VRC SDK's which can only be downloaded through VCC, otherwise you are more than likely to encounter issues.

Poyiomi Toon Shader

(recommended 8 or newer)

Final IK stub

(required to have in the project for the prefab to function, it is included in your download, so you don't have to grab it from here)

Avatar 3.0 Manager

(can be installed through VCC directly (used for manual installation))



Fury can be used as an alternative install method

Custom Menus

Customizability of the prefab(s)

This prefab comes with 3 versions depending on what you want for your avatar.

  • Smart Gun
  • Smart Gun duplicate, designed to be installed with the first one for the purpose of dual wielding
  • Custom Smart Gun designed specifically for model swapping with any custom 3D model you have.

You can install both regular smart guns if you want to dual wield. This will significantly increase the avatars negative rating obviously, as this is essentially doubling the prefabs size (outside of textures since they are reused over both of them). Adding both Smart Guns would cost 56 parameters total.

Finally, there is the Custom Smart Gun. This version has the ammo system removed from it (leaving it costing only 19 parameter space) as well as the model swapped out for some placeholder squares.
The hierarchy has been renamed to easily showcase what can be moved and changed to your liking.


The general purpose of it being adaptability to any custom 3D model you want to use instead of the default the main prefab comes with.

Most of the important hierarchy is renamed to showcase what you can move and edit, the video guide also covers how to add your own model and fit it to your liking.



  • Use the asset for personal use and projects, modify and edit it as you see fit.
  • Stream/make video content with the asset, credit is not needed, but greatly appreciated.
  • Make public avatars with the asset.
  • Commission/take commissions for putting the asset on an avatar (provided BOTH parties own the asset)
  • Use it for a commercial avatar IF you set it up and export without the assets files (you have to delete the folder), then direct your customers to the exact page to buy it. You are under no circumstances allowed to include the files for the asset in your own export. Your store page must be pretty clear about that to avoid confusion as well.


  • Share any of the files to anyone who does not own the asset.
  • Include the files on a purchasable/free avatar.
  • Complain that the asset broke your project, I always recommend you make backups before importing new things.
  • Use this on a quest only avatar, the asset is NOT QUEST COMPATIBLE, please DO NOT buy this if you do not have a pc.


Discord Server

I recommend you try my discord server if you have issues, I got an FAQ of common issues posted there
Discord name: Liindy


Feel free to give me a follow :)


3D Modelling for the Smart Gun and texturing by Frosti: https://sites.google.com/view/frostifolio - https://www.artstation.com/uc26c7abdPlease check out his stuff!

Custom Smart Scope shader by Nebula Animations:https://nebulaanimations.com Check him out!

World Constraint Prefab: https://vrlabs.dev/item/world-constraint

Main avatar used for promotional material is Hyenid by Alber: https://alber.gumroad.com/l/Hyenid

VRLabs contact tracker prefab used for tracking players: https://github.com/VRLabs/Contact-Tracker

VRLabs Raycast prefab https://github.com/VRLabs/Raycast-Prefab

Special thanks to SkaleySeto https://skaleyseto.booth.pm for some additional particle assistance.

Special thanks to WingmanDraws https://wingmandraws.gumroad.com for assistance on some technical aspects.

Some muzzleflash particles from https://www.artstation.com/kripto289 edited to fit

Special thanks to https://fudoragon.carrd.co/ for providing various gun noises used for reloading

Extra Note:

Yes I am fully aware the actual model design of the gun doesn't make much logical sense with real life. I also don't care about it, it's a cool model :)

Thanks for reading all the way down here :)

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Buying this asset gets you:

⭐The full working Smart Gun made for any VRChat avatar.
📝 You will always get the install guide which helps guide you in installing the product. Additionally this prefab has a VRCfury install option.
⭐ Substance Painter Files Included.
⭐Additional duplicate version of the prefab, specifically if you really want to dual wield.
⭐Additional stripped down version of the prefab designed for model swapping.
⭐ Also please rate this asset if you choose to buy it.
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30-day money back guarantee

Refunds are allowed for the following reasons:
- Accidental duplicate purchase
- Situations where the product for whatever reason cannot function even with assistance from me (contact me on discord)

Last updated Jan 9, 2025


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